Rayna Georgieva- Talkington
Job Title
Area of Expertise
- Conflict
- Gender and constitutions
- Diversity
- Customary governance/legal pluralism
- Human rights
- Judicial system design
- Minority issues
- Participation
- Power sharing (horizontal/vertical)
- Religion
- Security sector
Access to constitutional justice through the courts in the European union, BAR review, issue 6, 2020 (in Bulgarian). The online version is here
The centralized model of constitutional review in the context of the European integration in " Bulgaria and the European union ten years later- what we did (not) achieve",Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, Sofia, 2017 (in Bulgarian).
The role of constitutional courts in the globalizing world- European perspective, Scientific papers of the Institute for State and Law at the Bulgarian Academy of science, vol. XVI, 2018 (in Bulgarian).
Decentralization as tendency in the development of the European model of constitutional review, Scientific papers of the Institute for State and Law at the Bulgarian Academy of science, vol. XIV, 2016 (in Bulgarian).
Possibilities for development of constitutional justice in Great Britain, original title: Възможности за развитие на конституционно правосъдие във Великобритания, Yearbook of the Constitutional Law Department of the Faculty of Law at the Sofia University "St. Climent Ohridski", Sofia, 2016 (in Bulgarian).
Evolution of the constitutional review in France in the context of the reform from the 23 of July 2008,original title: Еволюция на контрола за конситутционност във Франция в контекста на реформата от 23 юли 2008 г., Yearbook of the Constitutional Law Department of the Faculty of Law at the Sofia University "St. Climent Ohridski", Sofia, 2015 (in Bulgarian).
Constitutional guarantees for the independence of the judiciary, original title: Конституционни гаранции за независимост на съдебната власт, Yearbook of the Constitutional Law Department of the Faculty of Law at the Sofia University "St. Climent Ohridski", Sofia, 2014 (in Bulgarian).
Necessary legislative amendments of the regime of legal capacity in the light of Decision №12 from 2014 of the Constitutional court and the risks for people with mental disabilities and the society in the bill on the phisical persons and the measures for support, original title: Необходимост от законодателни промени в режима на дееспособността в светлината на решение № 12 от 2014 г. на КС и рисковете за лицата с психични увреждания и обществото по проектозакона за физическите лица и мерките за подкрепа, Sofia, Obshtestvo i pravo, issue 7/2015