Training course on Constitution Building for Civil Society (Barcelona, 12-16 October 2015)
Dear Member,
We write to inform you of the ‘Constitution Building for Civil Society’ course to be held in Barcelona, Spain between 12-16 October 2015. This unique course is organized by International IDEA, together with Democratic Reporting International, Interpeace, the United Nations Department for Political Affairs, and the United States Institute Of Peace.
If you are a civil society actor who is currently, or has been, engaged in a constitution building process, we welcome your application until 7 August 2015 and would encourage you to share the announcement with colleagues and partners that might be interested. For more information see the Announcement on ConstitutionNet.
ConstitutionNet team
International IDEA
October 12th to 16th, 2015 – Barcelona, Spain
International IDEA, in partnership with Democratic Reporting International, Interpeace, United States Institute of Peace, United Nations Department for Political Affairs and the Barcelona International Peace Resource Center, is organizing a five day workshop for civil society organizations who have worked, or are working, in constitution building processes. The five-day workshop provides an overview of the fundamentals of participatory constitution building, including principles, mechanisms and process options, as well as in-depth exchange on a range of tasks and roles important for civil society during constitutional transitions. These include:
- Civic education
- Public participation and debate
- Monitoring the process
- Advocacy
- Interacting with the media
- To build capacity through exchange of ideas and experiences for CSOs engaged in constitution building processes – both during, and in the immediate wake of, a constitutional transition
- To create a network of individuals with knowledge and experience in engaging in constitution building processes
- To identify a cadre of civil society leaders capable of delivering similar workshops in the future
- To identify key issues and strategies for engagement of CSOs in constitution building to be developed into a knowledge resource for CSOs in future constitution building processes
Participants Profile
Leaders of advocacy organizations, interest groups, professional associations and other civil society organizations engaged in current or recent constitution building processes. This course will be taught in English and a high proficiency level is required to fully benefit from attendance.
Facilitators and Faculty will be drawn from the partner organizations, as well as practitioners from recent constitution building processes.
Travel & Accommodation
International IDEA will provide economy class return air tickets and full board accommodation for participants. There is no course fee.
Please submit your application form, C.V. and motivation letter on or before 7 August 2015. Applications should be submitted to and copied to and are reviewed on a rolling basis. Please note that for most participants who do not hold an EU passport, it will be necessary to apply for a Schengen visa to enter Spain. It will take up to four weeks for the visa to be granted. Therefore it is recommended that if you hold a passport which requires you to obtain a visa, to submit your applications materials as soon as possible.
Dates and Location: 12-16 October 2015 (five days) in Sant Felip Neri House, Barcelona, Spain