Call for Papers: Constitutional Responses to the Crisis of Representation and Oligarchic Democracy


Deadline: 4 January 2017

This Call for Papers is issued by the Constitution Building Programme of the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA), as part of a research project on Constitutional Responses to the Crisis of Representation and  Oligarchic Democracy. The project seeks to examine the problem of ‘oligarchic democracy’ and to consider whether, and how, constitutional design may provide a useful corrective to the oligarchic tendencies in liberal-democracies. 

Selected applicants will be invited to present their papers at an Authors’ Workshop to be held in The Netherlands during 2017, with a view to eventual publication on the International IDEA Constitution Building website ( Full costs of Workshop attendance (including travel, transfers, hotel  and  per  diems  will  be  borne  by  the  organisers.  Successful  applicants  on  final  submission  of  an accepted paper will receive an honorarium of €1000. 

For more details and to submit papers, please visit