
Jamaican Minister of Legal and Constitutional Affairs Marlene Malahoo Forte (photo credit: Yhomo Hutchinson/CNG Media) In Jamaica, co-chair of constitutional reform committee defends committee proposal to expand grounds for extending parliamentary sessions
10 October 2023
Flag of Jamaica (photo credit: Kaufdex via pixabay) Jamaican government to state position on adopting Caribbean Court of Justice as final appellate court
5 October 2023
Minister of Legal and Constitutional Affairs, Marlene Malahoo Forte (photo credit: Loop News) In Jamaica, minister of legal and constitutional affairs insists privy council issue to be decided in second phase of reform
25 September 2023
Opposition Leader and President of the People’s National Party Mark Golding (photo credit via Our Today) Jamaican opposition leader insists constitutional reform must include removing king as head of state and severing ties with privy council
20 September 2023
Flag of Jamaica (photo credit: Kaufdex via pixabay) In Jamaica, constitutional reform committee discusses ways to facilitate youth participation
8 September 2023