In Zimbabwe, women call for extension of constitution's quota system

By Ruth Butaumocho, 28 March 2018
photo credit: pixabay
photo credit: pixabay
The adoption of the women’s quota system by Zimbabwe was in line with relevant international instruments relating to full political rights for women, among them the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), and the Convention on the Political Rights of Women. From a female representation of 15 percent in the 2008 Parliament, the Ògures jumped to 32 percent in 2013 after 83 women made up the total Ògure of 350 Parliamentarians from both the Lower and Upper House when the Government implemented the proportional women representation quota as stipulated in the Constitution. However, the provision which was only valid for the Òrst two terms of Parliament, comes to an end in 2023, a development that has been met with apprehension by the majority of women.
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