Zimbabwe: Film On Constitution-Making Process To Be Launched

4 February 2015
Douglas Mwonzora MDC-T secretary general was a COPAC co-chairperson
Douglas Mwonzora MDC-T secretary general was a COPAC co-chairperson
<p>The Royal Danish Embassy Office (RDEO) will on Friday presents the screening of Democrats — a documentary about Zimbabwe’s power struggle for a new constitution.&nbsp;</p><p>The film directed by award-winning Danish filmmaker Camilla Nielsson, will be shown at 6.30pm at Book Café.</p><p>Democrats is an exciting, compelling and shocking documentary that presents a rare, vital snapshot into Zimbabwe’s democratisation process in its initial planning stages.</p><p>The film follows the co-chairpersons of the parliamentary select committee Copac, Munyaradzi Paul Mangwana (Zanu PF central committee member) and Douglas Mwonzora (MDC-T secretary-general) who were tasked with creating a new constitution to satisfy the principles of both parties and the aspirations of the people of Zimbabwe.</p>
Read the full article here: Radio VOP


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