Zambia's government places constitutional review on hold

By Elesani Phiri, 12 April 2024
Flag of Zambia (photo credit: jorono via pixabay)
Flag of Zambia (photo credit: jorono via pixabay)
[Zambia's government] has placed constitutional amendments on the back burner, prioritising resource mobilisation to address the crippling drought afflicting the nation. Responding to demands from the Oasis Forum, a civil society group that called for immediate action on constitutional reform and a national referendum, government spokesperson Cornelius Mweetwa emphasised the pressing need to tackle the current crisis. [ . . . ] Mweetwa further clarified that the responsibility for constitutional reform lies not solely with the government, but also with the citizenry. He referenced the preamble of the current constitution, which states: “We the people, through those gathered at the national assembly, give ourselves this constitution.”
Read the full article here: Kalemba News


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