Zambia: Grand Coalition Expels YALI from Constitution Alliance

25 July 2014
Zambia: Grand Coalition Expels YALI from Constitution Alliance
Zambia: Grand Coalition Expels YALI from Constitution Alliance
<p>The Grand Coalition on the Constitution has expelled the Young African Leadership Initiative from their alliance. Coalition spokesperson MacDonald Chipenzi said the organization had dismissed YALI as their goals and those of YALI had become diametrically opposed.</p><p><br><br>YALI has come under fire after having taken a fresh position that a new constitution could only be ready in 2017, a departure from the coalition’s demand for a new constitution before 2016.</p><p><br><br>Chipenzi said there was no way the coalition could be in bed together with YALI when they were championing different causes.</p>
Read the full article here: Zambia Reports


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