Yemen: President receives federal constitution draft

8 January 2015
President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi receives federal constitution draft
President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi receives federal constitution draft
<p><span>The Constitution Draft Committee (CDC), led by Ismael al-Wazir, on Wednesday handed over an initial draft of the new constitution of the Federal State of Yemen to President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.</span></p><p><span></span><br><br><span>During his meeting with CDC members, Hadi expressed appreciation of the committee members' efforts. "Today, we achieved a great victory of the accomplishment of the new constitution initial draft, which represents a clear roadmap for the future of Yemen," Hadi said.</span></p><p><span></span><br><br><span>He added that the new constitution is reflecting the journey of the national dialogue, started in March 2013, which brought together all political and societal powers and components in the country to formulate this draft.</span></p>
Read the full article here: Yemen News Agency (SABA)


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