Yemen: Constitutional texts to protect women’s rights

By Asma al-Mohattwari, 6 May 2014
A workshop on constitutional texts to protect the Yemeni women’s rights
A workshop on constitutional texts to protect the Yemeni women’s rights
<p>Yemeni women are fighting for their rights in the same way as Western women. It is time for them to ensure their hard won liberties in the new constitution.</p><p>April 25th marked a conferenced organized by the Italian organization Minerva and International Law Association, with the support of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, that was called Women’s Rights in the Constitution and Asserting them in Yemeni Society.</p><p>In the opening ceremony, Ambassador of Italy Luciano Galli is doing what many other countries failed to do by conducting the National Dialogue Conference. Galli says that he is proud to see the NDC enfranchise Yemeni women, and begin to introduce them to political life.</p>
Read the full article here: National Yemen


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