Women's rights in Yemen: democratic transition post-Arab Spring?

By Stephanie Baric (AHA Foundation), 19 February 2015
A woman holds the Yemenite national flag (photo credit:REUTERS)
A woman holds the Yemenite national flag (photo credit:REUTERS)
<div id="157_ArticleControl_dShareButton" class="social-share-buttons top hide-on-960" data-share-url="http://www.jpost.com/page.aspx?pageid=7&amp;articleid=391460"></div><div class="article-text"><div class="article-box-banner-wrap dyperf dyMonitor" data-adid="24478||1522|||"><div id="div-gpt-ad-1408352734734-1"><div></div><div><span style="line-height: 20.3999996185303px;">According to a Yemeni proverb, “A girl leaves the house only twice: to her husband and her grave.” Characterizations of the recent crisis in Yemen as a failure of democracy ignore the social and political changes that have occurred in the past four years, often led by women.
Read the full article here: The Jerusalem Post


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