Why new Tanzania Constitution must give due treatment to environmental conservation

By Dr Feliciani Kilahama, 1 November 2013
<p>IN principle, the Constitution is supposed to be a 'living' document and should not be overtaken by event. It should also ensure that things are under control and remain valid for many years.</p> <p>Preparation of a constitution should be done very carefully, well guided and through concerted efforts and diligence. I would like to thank the National Constitution formulation Commission led by retired Judge Hon. Joseph Sinde Warioba, for the good work they have done to produce the draft Constitution now under discussion, involving all stakeholders throughout the country.</p> <p>We do appreciate the good work done because the Commission has provided us with a good starting point for the Tanzanians to forge ahead accordingly.</p>
Read the full article here: All Africa.com


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