Vanuatu's prime minister wins confidence vote

By Vanuatu Daily Post / RNZ, 29 June 2021
Prime Minister of Vanuatu (photo credit: RNZ Pacific / Hilaire Bule)
Prime Minister of Vanuatu (photo credit: RNZ Pacific / Hilaire Bule)
Vanuatu's prime minister Bob Loughman has defeated a motion of no confidence against him in parliament this morning. The motion was deposited by the opposition leader, Ralph Regenvanu, citing six main reasons for seeking to remove the prime minister, most relating to alleged excessive and unwarranted spending by government. Loughman won the confidence vote with the support of 27 MPs in the 52-seat parliament. "This government is doing what it should do under the constitution," he told parliament while defending his government's performance. However his hold on government remains tenuous after the Supreme Court this month upheld a decision by Parliament's former Speaker to declare the seats of 19 government MPs vacant.
Read the full article here: Islands Business


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