Vanuatu to review constitution to regulate political parties, reserve seats for women

By Jane Joshua, 10 June 2016
Photo credit: World Atlas
Photo credit: World Atlas
<p><span class="first-paragraph"><span class="paragraph-0">&nbsp;</span></span></p><p><span>The Constitution of the</span>&nbsp;Republic of Vanuatu will go under a significant review in the upcoming Special Parliament Sitting next week.</p><p><span class="paragraph-1"></span></p><p>There is no doubt these amendments will be passed in Parliament because the Charlot Salwai-led Government has the luxury of commanding the majority of the current 50 MPs in Parliament, numbers which received further boost by the recent affiliation of five Moderate MPs .</p><p></p><p>&nbsp;</p>
Read the full article here: Vanuatu Daily Post


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