UN proposes to support Syria's constitution-drafting process

17 May 2017
Staffan de Mistura, United Nations Special Envoy for Syria (Photo credit: UN Photo / Jean-Marc Ferré / flickr)
Staffan de Mistura, United Nations Special Envoy for Syria (Photo credit: UN Photo / Jean-Marc Ferré / flickr)
During the second day of renewed peace talks in Geneva, Syria's government and opposition heard a proposal from U.N. to map a way to new constitution. U.N. envoy for Syria, Staffan de Mistura, put forward a list with a team of civil society activists and technocrats who would be responsible for drafting new Basic Law for Syria. The aim of the process would be to "prevent a constitutional or legal vacuum at any point during the political transition process being negotiated." So far, the Geneva talks have been overshadowed, among others, by parallel negotiations in the Kazakh capital, Astana. Sponsored by rebel supporter Turkey and regime backers Russia and Iran, the Astana negotiations produced a May 4 deal to create four "de-escalation" zones across some of Syria's bloodiest battlegrounds. De Mistura assured that both processes work "in tandem".
Read the full article here: Daily Star


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