Turkmenistan to continue constitutional reforms

8 August 2014
Turkmenistan to continue constitutional reforms
Turkmenistan to continue constitutional reforms
<p>Ashgabat hosted the first meeting of the state commission on the improvement of the Turkmenistan`s Constitution, created with the purpose of further implementation of the reforms and to bring basic law in line with international standards and requirements of the time, according to the report of Turkmen government.</p><p><br><br>In his keynote speech, Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that the Constitution which was adopted in 1992 has successfully passed the test of time, the report said.</p><p><br><br>Important changes and additions were made to the Constitution in 2008, which allowed to create necessary legal conditions for the reform of the system of state power and local self-government, as well as for accelerated economic growth, according to the president.</p>
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