Turkey's ruling party to present new electoral law to president

9 November 2020
Grand National Assembly of Turkey (photo credit: brewbooks/flickr)
Grand National Assembly of Turkey (photo credit: brewbooks/flickr)
The ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) has nearly completed its work adapting the electoral law to the presidential system. Under the five main subsections, the new law is expected to bring critical changes to existing ones, from determining a new electoral threshold and limiting deputies' ability to shift parties. [ . . . ] The 10% threshold and the highest averages method, known as the D’Hondt method, were introduced with the 1982 Constitution, which was adopted in a referendum after the 1980 military coup. The main aim of the threshold was to prevent political instability as the former system of proportional representation introduced with the 1961 Constitution led to fragile coalition governments in the 1970s, and small or wing parties gained Cabinet powers far beyond their votes due to grisly coalition bargaining.
Read the full article here: Daily Sabah


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