Turkey's Kurdish HDP to challenge constitutional bill lifting immunity in EU Human Rights Court

7 June 2016
Photo credit: World Youth Alliance
Photo credit: World Youth Alliance
<p>Turkey’s pro-Kurdish People’s Democratic Party (HDP) will file a complaint at the European Human Rights Court if President Recep Tayyip Erdogan signs into law a bill passed by the parliament to strip MPs of immunity, said a Kurdish lawmaker.</p><p>Mithat Sancar, a HDP MP, told Rudaw that his party had filed a complaint in the Turkish constitutional court but it was refused. This time they will turn to Europe and file a complaint at the European Human Rights Court.&nbsp;<span style="line-height: 20.4px;">“We will file a complaint at the European Human Rights Court if Erdogan signs the resolution and it is published in official newspapers,” Sancar told Rudaw.</span></p>
Read the full article here: Ekurd Daily


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