Turkey: Erdoğan may wait until after election for a new Constitution

By Murat Yetkin , 26 September 2014
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<p><span>It is his top priority to write a new Constitution giving him more executive powers, but Turkish President Tayyip Erdoğan is likely to postpone this bid until after the next parliamentary elections, scheduled for June 2015. The apparent change is due to “pressing exterior conditions having reflections inside Turkey,” according to a government source who asked not to be named. The same remark was also made from a different angle by a ranking source from Parliament, who said the domestic political situation may not be suitable for President Erdoğan and Prime Minsiter&nbsp;</span>Ahmet Davutoğlu<span>&nbsp;to hold a vote for a new Constitution in Parliament or to take it to a referendum.</span></p>
Read the full article here: Hurriyet Daily News


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