In Tunisia, opposition rejects president's formation of advisory committee to draft new constitution

By Andalou Agency, 23 May 2022
Flag of Tunisia (photo credit: pixabay)
Flag of Tunisia (photo credit: pixabay)
The Ennahda movement criticized a decree issued by President Kais Saied, excluding political parties from drafting Tunisia's new constitution. On [20 May], Saied named law professor Sadik Belaid to chair an advisory committee to draft a new constitution. Belaid will be coordinating between two other advisory panels tasked with making proposals for drafting the country's new constitution. The two panels consist of deans of law and six national organizations, including the powerful UGTT Labor Union. According to the decree, the two panels will prepare a constitution "that responds to the aspirations of the people and guarantees the principles of justice and freedom in a true democratic system." In a statement, Ennahda termed Saied's move as "a complete departure from constitutional legitimacy and a consecration of the July 25 coup and one-man rule."
Read the full article here: Daily Sabah


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