Is Tanzania's proposed constitution sacrilege?

By Novatus Rweyemamu, 27 October 2014
Tanzania Constituent Assembly
Tanzania Constituent Assembly
<p>This year’s proceedings of the Constituent Assembly, at Dodoma, committed sacrilege against the description of Tanzania’s 1977 Constitution as being “holy” by a bench of three judges of Tanzania’s High Court at Dar-es- Salaam, in the Judges’ decision dated 8th September, 2006 given in the case of Elizabeth Stephen and another v. Attorney- General, 2006 TLR (Tanzania Law Reports) 404 at pages 415 and 416.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>At those pages respectively, the judges referred to Tanzania’s 1977 Constitution as being “a serious and solemn document” and as being of a “sacrosanct nature”.</p>
Read the full article here: IPP Media


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