Tanzania's CA process suspended until after the elections

11 September 2014
<p><span>“We prepared a statement on the deal that we sealed with Mr Kikwete, but the copy I have does not state anywhere that we agreed that the CA continue until that date…what we said is that a clear and sober means be put in place to ensure that it is suspended immediately to save tax payers’ money.”</span></p><div><p>There will be no new constitution until after the 2015 General Election. We have it on the authority of the chairman of the Tanzania Centre for Democracy (TCD), Mr John Cheyo. Speaking after a meeting with President Jakaya Kikwete at Kilimani State Lodge on Monday afternoon, Mr Cheyo said those present agreed unanimously that the exercise be called off on the grounds that it was unlikely to deliver on the promise.</p><div>[toc hidden:1]</div>
Read the full article here: The Citizen


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