Tanzania: Final draft of proposed new Constitution tabled

25 September 2014
Andrew Chenge, Chairman of the Drafting Committee for the Constituent Assembly
Andrew Chenge, Chairman of the Drafting Committee for the Constituent Assembly
<p>Finaly, Chairman of the Drafting Committee for the Constituent Assembly, Andrew Chenge yesterday tabled the final draft for the proposed new constitution.&nbsp;The draft entails more than 70 percent of all Articles found in the second draft constitution along with two entirely new chapters.&nbsp;</p><p>The new chapters are Chapter 3 and 11. Chapter 3 is on Land, Natural Resources and Environment while Chapter 11 is on the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar, the Revolutionary Council of Zanzibar and the House of Representatives of Zanzibar.&nbsp;</p>
Read the full article here: IPP Media


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