Syrian constitution to be drafted by Syrians themselves, says President Assad

27 May 2016
Photo credit: Vegetarian Friend
Photo credit: Vegetarian Friend
<p><span>Syrian President Bashar Assad’s Administration has refuted statements appearing in&nbsp;the press of&nbsp;an alleged project on&nbsp;the country’s new constitution.</span></p><p class="marker-quote1">"There has been no draft constitution for&nbsp;Syria presented yet. Everything that’s circulating in&nbsp;the press on&nbsp;this topic is untrue," Assad’s Administration said.&nbsp;<span style="line-height: 20.4px;">The administration said that any project on&nbsp;Syria’s new constitution would be drawn up&nbsp;by the Syrians themselves and not by&nbsp;outsiders.</span></p>
Read the full article here: Sputnik International


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