In Switzerland, Covid-19 certificate law may be subject to referendum in November

By Swiss Info, 9 July 2021
 Bern, Switzerland (photo credit: flickr / martin_vmorris)
Bern, Switzerland (photo credit: flickr / martin_vmorris)
Opponents have handed in signatures to force another vote challenging the law underpinning many of the government’s coronavirus measures. Less than a month ago, 60.2% of the population approved the Covid-19 law, which politicians adopted last September to deal with the financial and logistical fallout from the pandemic. [...] While the argument of creeping government power remains, the main target this time around is the Covid certificate, issued to those who have been vaccinated, tested, or recovered from the coronavirus. [...] Making participation in society dependent on whether or not you are vaccinated is unconstitutional, reprehensible, and unjustified by any imminent threat, the campaigners say. [...] If the signatures are validated by the Federal Chancellery, the referendum will take place on November 28.
Read the full article here: Swiss Info


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