Sweden amends press ordinance section of constitution to include criminalization of Holocaust denial

By Johan Nilsson, 16 February
Parliament of Sweden (photo credit: Susanne Nilsson via flickr)
Parliament of Sweden (photo credit: Susanne Nilsson via flickr)
[Translated from Swedish] The government is proceeding with the proposal to criminalize denial or belittling of the Holocaust. The scale of punishment shall be the same as in the case of incitement against a ethnic group, a fine or up to a maximum of two years' imprisonment. - It is not that more actions will become illegal in the future, but it is a clarification that, for example, denial of the Holocaust is illegal, says Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer (M) to Expressen. Other genocides can also be covered. The proposal does not involve any restriction of freedom of expression compared to today, according to Minister of Culture Parisa Liljestrand (M). However, the Union of Journalists does not agree. - We think that in a democracy it is better to work against prejudices and abhorrent values ​​in other ways than bans, says the chairman Ulrika Hyllert to Sveriges Radio. Risks EU court Sweden risks being dragged before the European Court of Justice if Holocaust denial is not criminalized, according to the radio. The bill is based on the work of a parliamentary committee in which all eight parties in the Riksdag have participated. The change in the Criminal Code is proposed to enter into force on 1 July this year. But the freedom of the press regulation must also be regulated, which will only become clear in January 2027 because it requires an amendment to the constitution.
Read the full article here: SVT


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