Sudan’s national dialogue will not lead to real change: SLM-MM

19 September 2014
SLM-MM leader Minni Minnawi and SRF deputy leader Al-Tom Hajo. (ST)
SLM-MM leader Minni Minnawi and SRF deputy leader Al-Tom Hajo speak at a press conference in Paris on 9 May 2014 (ST)
<p><span>The rebel Sudan Liberation Movement led by Minni Arku Minnawi (SLM-MM) has criticised the government-led national dialogue saying it does not mention the strategic objective of establishing a transitional government.</span></p><p>The SLM-MM said in a statement signed by its secretary of information, Abdullah Mursal, and received by&nbsp;<i>Sudan Tribune</i>&nbsp;on Tuesday that the government objective behind dialogue was to prevent popular uprising due to deteriorating living conditions and buy time to hold the 2015 elections.</p><p>It considered the national dialogue nothing but an attempt to unify the Islamists forces, saying the real Sudanese political forces are not represented in the dialogue.</p>
Read the full article here: Sudan Tribune


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