In Sudan, establishment of civilian-led transitional government promised in coming month

20 March 2023
Flag of Sudan (photo credit: David_Peterson/pixabay)
Flag of Sudan (photo credit: David_Peterson/pixabay)
Sudan's military leaders and pro-democracy forces vowed to begin establishing a new civilian-led transitional government on April 11, a spokesperson representing both parties said [19 March]. Speaking at a news conference broadcasted by Sudan's state-run SUNA news agency, Khalid Omar said a finalized political settlement, first agreed upon last December, would be inked on April 1st. A new transitional constitution would be signed days later, he said. [...] ''We will start forming the institutions of the transitional authorities on the coming April 11th,'' Omar said. Pressure is mounting on Sudan's various political forces to implement the promises of December's deals. Several of the country's thorniest political issues, including security sector reform and transitional justice, remain unresolved. An 11-person committee comprised of nine pro-democracy leaders, one from the army and another from the country's large paramilitary Rapid Support Forces, has been tasked with tying up the final agreement, Omar said. Since December, progress and consensus-building have been slow. Major political players, from former rebel leaders to grassroots pro-democracy networks, remain opposed to the deal despite numerous internationally brokered efforts to draw them in.
Read the full article here: VOA News


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