Singapore's Minister for Home Affairs says constitution should include aspirational amendment on gender equality

By Sue-Ann Tan, 9 March 2021
Singapore (photo credit: J. Philipp Krone/flickr)
Singapore (photo credit: J. Philipp Krone/flickr)
There should be something "aspirational" in the Constitution that Singapore recognises the equal rights of men and women, said Minister for Home Affairs and Law K Shanmugam at a panel discussion on Monday (March 8). [ . . . ] Mr Shanmugam said: "My personal view on this is that we should have something aspirational in the Constitution because the Constitution sets out our values (and) where we want to see society going." But he also said that it was not a simple issue to just make the amendment, as various trade-offs have to be assessed.
Read the full article here: The Straits Times


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