In Singapore, ministry of home affairs introduces constitutional amendment to ensure constitutionality of arrest and detention relating to ‘new psychoactive substances’

By David Sun, 25 February 2023
Flag of Singapore (photo credit: DavidRockDesign via pixabay)
Flag of Singapore (photo credit: DavidRockDesign via pixabay)
Singapore may soon be taking a new approach to illicit drugs, giving them a broader definition to cover evolving variants of psychoactive substances, as well as enhancing punishments for drug possession. Proposed amendments to the Misuse of Drugs Act (MDA) and the Constitution will define psychoactive substances as any substance that is abused for a high. [...] The proposed amendments were introduced in Parliament on [24 February]. The amendments introduce a new legislative framework for psychoactive substances, by criminalising the trafficking, manufacture, import, export, possession and consumption of such substances. They also allow for the arrest and detention of abusers for treatment and rehabilitation, and increase the punishment for the possession of large quantities of more dangerous and harmful controlled drugs such as cocaine, cannabis and methamphetamine. [The constitutional component will amend Article 9 to ensure the Central Narcotics Bureau's jurisdiction over psychoactive substance abuse is constitutionally valid.]
Read the full article here: Singapore Law Watch


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