In Seychelles, attorney general proposes constitutional amendment to allow military personnel to assist police outside of states of emergency

By Rita Joubert-Lawen, 23 March 2022
Flag of the Seychelles (photo credit: David Peterson via pixabay)
Flag of the Seychelles (photo credit: David Peterson via pixabay)
An amendment to the Constitution of Seychelles to allow military personnel to assist the police without the need for a state of emergency is being discussed by the Attorney General's (AG) Office and the Seychelles Defence Forces (SDF). [...] Over the last few months, Seychelles has embarked on a war on drugs with the assistance of the Seychelles Defence Forces with the Seychelles Coast Guard (SCG) playing a major role. [...] Other parties in the discussions to amend the Constitution will be included, such as the Office of the Ombudsman and the Human Rights Commission, who were unable to attend the online meeting due to internet connection problems. Once all the partners have given their input, a bill will go before the National Assembly for approval. This will be the 10th amendment made to the Constitution, the supreme law of Seychelles, an archipelago in the western Indian Ocean, which came into force in 1993.
Read the full article here: Seychelles News Agency


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