From revolution to transition: Lessons from the Tunisian experience

By Jenny Ortiz, 20 May 2014
Protest in downtown Tunis, October 22, 2012. Photo credit: Tunisia Live
Protest in downtown Tunis, October 22, 2012. Photo credit: Tunisia Live
<p>Of all the post-Arab Spring countries to undertake a political transition, Tunisia is the closest to finalizing the process. Three years after the ousting of Ben Ali, the country has a new constitution and an electoral law allowing for the selection of a much-desired new government. With other countries in the region, such as Yemen and Libya, trying to achieve similar transitions, we can look back at Tunisia’s experience so far and highlight some elements that facilitated the relatively smooth political transition. By learning from the Tunisian process, other countries can follow suit and succeed in their own revolutions by applying these simple lessons.</p><p><strong>Religious Tolerance</strong></p>
Read the full article here: Tunisa-live


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