The Quest for a Way Out of Tunisia’s Constitutional Quagmire

By Myriam Guetat, 2 December 2014
Image by Malek Khadraoui for Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung/Flickr
Image of candidate posters on a wall in Tunisia. Image by Malek Khadraoui for Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung/Flickr
<p><span>Successfully passing the tests of democracy while the whole region seems to be doomed to a chronic state of turmoil, Tunisia is considered to have set a good example for the “Arab Spring” countries and is expected to prove that a happy ending is actually possible. In fact, Tunisia has come a long way from the shadows of the police state to the perspective of a sustainable democracy. And it is Tunisian political life that has witnessed the biggest shift from a vegetative state to an interesting and complicated case study.
Read the full article here: Jadaliyya


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