In the Philippines, house aims to hold vote on economic amendment next month

By Anna Felicia Bajo, 26 February 2021
Manila, Philippines (photo credit: travel oriented/flickr)
Manila, Philippines (photo credit: travel oriented/flickr)
House Committee on Constitutional Amendments chairperson Alfredo Garbin Jr. on Friday said the lower chamber is targeting to vote on the proposal to amend the restrictive economic provisions in the 1987 Constitution on or before March 24. [ . . . ] Plenary deliberations on RBH 2 started on Monday. The resolution aims to amend existing economic provisions in the Constitution in a bid to open up the Philippines to foreign direct investments which may help the country recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. RBH No. 2 inserts the phrase "unless otherwise provided by law" to the constitutional provisions on national economy and patrimony; education, science and technology, arts, culture, and sports; and on general provisions to give Congress flexibility to enact laws that would free up the economy to foreign investors.
Read the full article here: GMA News


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