In Papua New Guinea, constitutional law reform commission begins review process to evaluate form and system of government

By Jeffrey Elapa, 15 February 2023
Flag of Papua New Guinea (photo credit: Kaufdex via pixabay)
Flag of Papua New Guinea (photo credit: Kaufdex via pixabay)
[On 15 February, Prime Minister James Marape launched a review of the constitution to consider the forms and system of government and to evaluate direct elections of the prime minister.] The government has directed the Constitutional Law Reform Commission (CLRC) to undertake a constitutional law review [and to] look at changing the laws to have the people vote for the prime minister in a presidential elections rather than the current system where the Members of Parliament vote for the prime minister. [...] "This review is critical to audit the form and system of government and take stock of how far we have come as a nation since Independence in 1975, with the thoughts of looking at whether the current form and system of government has adequately, effectively and efficiently worked for us, and to determine whether or not we need an alternative form and system of government that can take us through the next 50 years and beyond," [Chairman of the CLRC] Mr Soloma said. [...] [T]he other key matters of review include: the current structure of the National Parliament; the system of government; and the different levels of government. Mr Saloma said the review will raise fundamental questions and discussions on bicameral and unicameral parliamentary systems, current three-tier system of government, the tenure as well as the method of criteria for the nomination and election of the prime minister, and the relevance of the English Monarch as Head of State. He said CLRC with other relevant government agencies will conduct consultation in all the provinces and the Autonomous Region of Bougainville from March 5 to May 18, 2023, to gauge the views of the people. [A]n online survey will be accessible to the public on February 15, 2023. 
Read the full article here: Post Courier


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