In Pakistan, federal cabinet rejects supreme court’s unanimous verdict holding election delay unconstitutional

5 April 2023
Flag of Pakistan (photo credit: ArbazKhanYousufzai via pixabay)
Flag of Pakistan (photo credit: ArbazKhanYousufzai via pixabay)
The Pakistan Federal Cabinet on [4 April] rejected the Supreme Court's unanimous verdict on the case pertaining to the postponement of elections in Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP). [...] Announcing the verdict on a plea filed by the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), the top court declared the Election Commission of Pakistan's (ECP) decision to postpone polls in Punjab and KP from April 30 to October 8 as "null and void". The Supreme Court, in its verdict, states that the ECP's order dated March 22, 2023, is declared to be unconstitutional, without lawful authority or jurisdiction, void ab-initio, of no legal effect, and is hereby quashed, Geo News reported. "The Supreme Court's decision is a minority verdict, which is why the cabinet rejects it," the sources in the federal cabinet said.
Read the full article here: Webindia123


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