Op-ed: Will Russia hold early elections to the Duma?

By Ben Noble, 13 February 2020
The State Duma of Russia (photo credit: Elisabetta Stringhi/flickr)
The State Duma of Russia (photo credit: Elisabetta Stringhi/flickr)
Will State Duma elections — currently scheduled for September 19, 2021 — be pushed forward? This might seem like an innocent and legitimate question following the constitutional shakeup announced by Putin during his January 15 Address to the Federal Assembly. But the topic has ruffled feathers and added to the sense of uncertainty in Russian politics. Speaker of the State Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin, has criticized discussions of early elections, going so far as to say that foreign media who mentioned it were attempting to interfere in the internal affairs of Russia.
Read the full article here: The Moscow Times


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