Op-ed: Why Australia should switch to a proportional representation system

By Klaas Woldring, 19 February 2021
Parliament of Australia (photo credit: Leorex/flickr)
Parliament of Australia (photo credit: Leorex/flickr)
Soon, the important task of improving Australia’s democracy will return as a major political objective. On top of that, there is urgent catching up to be done on environmental policies. These matters have been left in a fossilised state – at least 10 years behind the rest of the world. The situation presents the all-important question: is the Albanese-led opposition actually equipped to undertake these tasks on their own? The most recent changes in the ALP leadership team – and the mere promise of ‘new and bold policies’ – have raised several questions. First and foremost: what exactly are these bold new policies?
Read the full article here: Mirage News


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