Op-Ed: Ukraine and who wants what?

By Al Jazeera America, 6 August 2015
Talks between Vladimir Putin, Francois Hollande, Angela Merkel and Petro Poroshenko have last through the night [photo credit: AFP/ Getty Images]
Talks between Vladimir Putin, Francois Hollande, Angela Merkel and Petro Poroshenko have last through the night [photo credit: AFP/ Getty Images]
<div><p>Over the last several weeks, the 15-month-old Ukraine crisis took fresh steps toward resolution in a series of teleconference calls by the Normandy Four — the heads of France, Germany, Russia and Ukraine. </p><p>Beginning July 10, French President François Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko and Ukrainian parliament chairman Volodymyr Hroisman to comply with all the terms of the February 2015 Minsk 2 agreement. </p>
Read the full article here: Al Jazeera America


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