In Nigeria, parliament will vote on 68 amendments to the constitution

By PLAC, 25 February 2022
Flag of Nigeria (photo credit: pixabay)
Flag of Nigeria (photo credit: pixabay)
The Senate and the House of Representatives have set down Wednesday, 2nd March and Thursday, 3rd March, respectively to vote on proposals to amend the Nigerian Constitution. [...]The joint Constitution amendment recommendations of the Senate and House Committees had been agreed on at a retreat organised by both chambers and held on 4th and 5th February 2022. [...] At the conclusion of votes by the National Assembly, bills that receive approval will be sent to the States for votes. The Constitution requires that each alteration passed by National Assembly must receive support of simple majority of votes in at least two-thirds of State Houses of Assembly in the Federation. Amendments that pass the threshold of State votes will then qualify to be sent to the President for assent, after which it becomes law.
Read the full article here: PLAC


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