Nepal parliament elects president and vice president as per constitutional provisions

By The Kathmandu Post , 26 October 2015
Newly elected House Speaker Onsari Gharti Magar (photo credit: Vishva Gujarat)
Newly elected House Speaker Onsari Gharti Magar (photo credit: Vishva Gujarat)
<p>The Legislature-Parliament on Saturday started the process to elect the new President and Vice President as provisioned by the new constitution promulgated a month ago.&nbsp;The meeting of Parliament chaired by Speaker Onshari Gharti set 4:30pm on Sunday as the deadline to elect the head and deputy head of the state in consensus.&nbsp;</p><p>As per the schedule published by the Parliament Secretariat, the parties can register their candidacy for the President and Vice President on the basis of a political consensus from&nbsp;11am to 1pm on Sunday. The name of the candidate, if elected in consensus, will be announced at 4:30pm on the same day.</p>
Read the full article here: The Kathmandu Post


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