Minister states that Jamaican constitutional reform committee will soon be named

By Jamaica Gleaner, 31 October 2022
Flag of Jamaica (photo credit: DavidRockDesign / pixabay)
Flag of Jamaica (photo credit: DavidRockDesign / pixabay)
Minister of Legal and Constitutional Affairs, Marlene Malahoo Forte, says the Constitutional Reform Committee, which will work on ending Jamaica's relationship with the King of England and establishing the country as a republic, will be named soon following some delay. [...] “There was a little delay, intentionally, to ensure that the preparatory documents for the consideration of the committee were in place. We now have all the background documents, including all of the previous attempts and where consensus rests on the matter. The work really is to see if we are still there after a lapse of time, as perspectives may change,” she said. She said she has already spoken to a number of persons who would sit on the committee. Based on the procedures outlined in the Constitution, the transition process will take time. A two-thirds majority vote in the House and Senate is required, plus a referendum, where the electorate will also have their vote on the issue.
Read the full article here: Jamaica Gleaner


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