Majority of citizens in Belarus believe current constitution meets society's needs

11 February 2021
Minsk, Belarus (photo credit: Nigel Swales/flickr)
Minsk, Belarus (photo credit: Nigel Swales/flickr)
About 60% of Belarusians believe that the current Constitution meets the needs of the society, the head of the analytical center EcooM Sergei Musiyenko told media while commenting on the results of the sociological study "Social Thinking" conducted in the run-up to the Belarusian People's Congress, BelTA has learned. The block of questions in the survey concerned the constitutional reform. "The basic questions were ‘Do you think the current Constitution meets the needs of the society and the state?' 57.8% of respondents has a positive answer to this question, and 27.3% answered negatively," Sergei Musiyenko said.
Read the full article here: Belta


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