Libyan House of Representatives adopts amendment, approves restructuring of Presidency Council

By Sami Zaptia, 27 November 2018
photo credit: pixabay
photo credit: pixabay
Libya’s parliament, the internationally-recognized House of Representatives (HoR), adopted a constitutional amendment and approved the formula for restructuring the Presidency Council (PC) during its session today. According to its official spokesperson Abdulla Belheeg, 123 members were present at the session. He said that the constitutional amendment “fortifies” article 6 of the Referendum Law on the permanent Constitution of the country. This is an acknowledgement, as had been widely held at the time, that article 6 was liable to legal challenge as it clashed with the existing operative temporary constitution, the Transitional Constitutional Declaration of 2011 as amended in 2014. For the purposes of the referendum on the draft permanent constitution, article 6 of the Referendum Law passed by the HoR this summer divides Libya into three voting districts; its historical districts of Tripolitania, Cyrenaica and Fezzan. Prior to this amendment Libya had been treated as one voting district by the Transitional Constitution. The HoR also stipulated the need for the draft constitution to receive the approval of 50 + 1 in each region as well two thirds of the Libyan people’s approval nationwide.
Read the full article here: Libya Herald


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