Jordan: Constitution amended to protect Jordanian monarchy from military coups

27 August 2014
Jordan: Constitution amended to protect Jordanian monarchy from military coups
Jordan: Constitution amended to protect Jordanian monarchy from military coups
<p>A number of constitutional amendments passed by the Jordanian parliament recently are designed to make King Abdullah II immune from potential coups, analysts say. Welcomed by pro-monarchy MPs and opposed by Islamists, the amendments grant the king the power to appoint and dismiss senior army officers. They stirred controversy in Amman's parliament, with opponents questioning the motives behind them, and asking whether they were introduced as a result of foreign diktats.</p><p><br>The amendments, approved on Monday by a parliamentary majority, came three years following broad changes in the wake of the 2011 Arab Spring. They included 42 articles but did not address the authority of the king in appointing and dissolving governments.</p>
Read the full article here: Middle east Monitor


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