In Jamaica, secretariat established to provide technical guidance to constitutional reform committee

By Chris Patterson, 3 April 2023
Flag of Jamaica (photo credit: jorono via pixabay)
Flag of Jamaica (photo credit: jorono via pixabay)
A Secretariat, managed by the Ministry of Legal and Constitutional Affairs, has been established to provide technical guidance and support to the Constitutional Reform Committee (CRC). The officers of the Secretariat are drawn from the Ministry and include the Permanent Secretary, Director of Legal Reform, Chief Parliamentary Counsel, Senior Constitutional Reform Officer, as well as representatives from the Ministry of Justice, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade and the Attorney General’s Chambers. They will be assisted with steno writers from the Office of the Services Commission (OSC). [...] Speaking in the House of Representatives on March 28, Minister Malahoo Forte reminded members that the purpose of the Committee is to assist in providing expert guidance and oversight to the Government and people of Jamaica during the constitutional reform process. She noted that it also aims to, among other things, implement the recommendations of the Joint Select Committee on Constitutional and Electoral Reform on which consensus remains, while helping to build compromise in areas where this has eroded or is nonexistent, or other related matters.
Read the full article here: Jamaica Information Service


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