In Jamaica, government names members to constitutional reform committee

23 March 2023
Flag of Jamaica (photo credit: Kaufdex via pixabay)
Flag of Jamaica (photo credit: Kaufdex via pixabay)
Prime Minister Andrew Holness this afternoon named Canadian Professor Richard Albert among the 14-member Constitutional Reform Committee as the country moves towards republican status. Albert, an international constitutional law expert, is to provide advice to the Marlene Malahoo Forte-led committee, which is expected to guide the three-part constitutional reform process. [...] Phase one of the reform process is to focus on the repatriation of the constitution, abolition of the constitutional monarchy, establishment of republican status, and all matter within the deeply entrenched provisions of the Constitution for which a referendum is required to amend. Phase two is to look at the wording and provisions of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms set out in Chapter III and the ordinarily entrenched provisions of the constitution for which amendments are desired and required. Phase three is to focus on fully assessing the country's legal and constitutional infrastructure to facilitate putting together a new constitution.
Read the full article here: The Gleaner


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