In Jamaica, constitutional reform committee begins work

3 March 2023
Flag of Jamaica (photo credit: DavidRockDesign / pixabay)
Flag of Jamaica (photo credit: DavidRockDesign / pixabay)
The Constitutional Reform Committee, which is to play a key role in ensuring Jamaica’s smooth transition to a republic, has now been constituted. Minister of Legal and Constitutional Affairs, Marlene Malahoo Forte, who made the disclosure during the sitting of the Standing Finance Committee of the House of Representatives on March 1, said the work was to begin on Wednesday, March 1. “The committee has been established to assist us in the process, to provide advice and oversight as we move on the most comprehensive and impactful constitutional reform work to be undertaken in the life of independent Jamaica,” stated Malahoo Forte. She said the work will be done in three phases, while noting that focus will be on matters for which the votes of the electorate will be ultimately required to make the changes to the constitution, through the constitutional amendment bills. “It is our intention to transition Jamaica from a constitutional monarchy to establish the Republic of Jamaica, within the Commonwealth, as a parliamentary republic with a non-executive president,” she noted. The minister said the work of the committee will be assisted by a secretariat, which is now being put together.
Read the full article here: Loop News


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