In Ireland, citizens’ assembly recommends replacing constitution’s "women in the home" clause

By Ronan McGreevy, 26 April 2021
Flag of Ireland (photo credit: David Peterson/pixabay)
Flag of Ireland (photo credit: David Peterson/pixabay)
The constitutional clause on women’s place being in the home should be replaced by a recognition of the value of care within the home and the wider community, the Citizens’ Assembly has recommended. The 99 members of the assembly on gender equality voted for a radical programme of reform which could see gender quotas in all elections and across public and private bodies, extra supports for carers and a new clause in the constitution recognising all forms of families in the Constitution, not only families based on marriage. [...] The assembly has met over six weekends online under the chairwomanship of Catherine Day, the former secretary general of the European Commission. [...] The final report of the Citizen’s Assembly on Gender Equality is expected to be presented to the Oireachtas and published in June 2021.
Read the full article here: Irish Times


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