Head of Libya's presidency council calls for referendum on contentious points of draft constitution

By Sami Zaptia, 4 February
Flag of Libya (photo credit: David_Peterson via pixabay)
Flag of Libya (photo credit: David_Peterson via pixabay)
Posting on his personal X account [...], the head of Libya’s Presidency Council, Mohamed Menfi, said it is necessary to resort to the will of the Libyan people in a free and fair referendum on the remaining points of contention in the draft electoral laws, completed by the 6+6 Committee, to move Libya forward. Menfi said: ‘‘We appreciate the strenuous efforts of the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, which will culminate in the formation of an Advisory Committee for the United Nations mission (UNSMIL). We hope that it will enjoy balance, and its members will have the ability to be independent from pressures. We call on the Libyan institutions emerging from the political agreement to “take heed” and evaluate the recommendations of the advisors of the United Nations mission to overcome obstacles towards holding general elections. We continue to coordinate closely with the United Nations and its institutions, renewing our vision of the necessity of resorting to the (will of the) people in a free and fair referendum on the remaining points of contention in the draft electoral laws completed by the 6+6 Committee and moving forward’’.
Read the full article here: Libya Herald


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